Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New Year 2005

The New Year is only a few hours away, and already preparations are underway for next year. This year has flown past so quickly. 2004, what a year. What an unbelievable year. Who would have believed that we were supposed to take our time, start with chickens maybe then some ducks.
No we bought pigs, fed and scratched them, took them to slaughter and ate them, talk about jumping in at the deep end. Looking back it was a positive experience because I don't mind admitting I had a fair few worries as to us being able to eat our own animals because we never had to look at our food that way. I think the pictures of sows being unable to move except to lie down in horrendous cages helped to change our attitudes, the difference in the taste of the meat certainly helps as well. Now we have 6 more and a breeding programme
planned with the first piglets due 13th February and a further litter on 20th February!
We bought sheep and had our first lambs born on the holding, probably my best moment of the year and one I will never forget, although we also learned that you don't always get to decide when an animal meets it's end as one of the lambs died after a week. We now have a small flock of 8 ewe's being romanced at the moment by
'Johnny Depp' the Suffolk ram.
We bought chickens and watched them bring up chicks during the summer, whilst the ducks brought the pond to life even if they did make a mess of the clear water! Unfortunately for the Cockeral Mr Aitkenhead there could be only one alpha male!
Flossy dog, what a friend we have in her. Yes as with most pups she was a little destructive in the early days, but once settled she most definitely is a big part of our family and has the unenviable task of keeping Sassy our new Springer Spaniel pup in check, although they really have taken to each other better than we could have imagined. Look out rabbits!
On our smallholding the kitchen has been the hub of a great deal of cooking and crafty adventures, and will probably mean we can rent out our lounge next year as we never seem to have enough time to go in there as there is always something to cook or make. Family and friends were treated to traditional Christmas presents of jams, chutneys, wines, sweets, jelly's and Christmas puddings all made in our kitchen many from our own produce, or that we found growing on walks.
I finally managed to buy a Land Rover. An old series 3 an absolute necessity as we found during the snow falls earlier in the year that 2 wheel drive is useless in such severe weather in rural parts. It took me a full week to dig out our track in APRIL! But I was determined to get the kids on the school bus and away to school! (Little angels)
Started the orchard with 6 young apple trees, and soft fruit crops of blackcurrant, gooseberry, and strawberry. This after being introduced to the delights of our own blackcurrant jams, and raspberry jam made with fruit foraged from the woods.
Spinning wool I think must be the surprise skill I learned this year, good enough for Debbie to knit a few presents, something for the long winter nights! Mind you the wine making may make it difficult to spin as the first batch of parsnip wine was mighty fine if I do say so myself, and with 20 demi johns of carrot wine fermenting for next winter well what a predicament I might (hope) to be in!
Polytunnel is arriving in mid January and should mean that an average year in the garden should next year be very productive, not just in quantity but in the variety of crops. Only problem is getting it erected 60ft by 14ft nothing is ever simple eh!


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