Sunday, September 24, 2006


Welcome to Smallholding adventures, our very own website set up to chart our new life as smallholder's in Aberdeenshire. We hope you find the pages in the site entertaining and to some of you inspirational enough to change your life forever!
Having lived here for nearly 2 years I have built the site to reflect upon our experiences so far, and to look at what we would like to achieve in the future.
In many ways it has been a rollercoaster ride, some lows but much more highs, and never boring. Every day is different, filled with challenges you would never think you could cope with, but in true pioneering spirits you muddle through to an acceptable outcome ............some of the time!
We don't consider ourselves 'experts' in self sufficiency far from it, but as anyone living the life of a smallholder will tell you, you learn a lot and very quickly. Whether you only keep a few hens for laying or a large flock of sheep and cattle we all have knowledge and experiences that will benefit each other.
Lastly I am a great believer in 'if it is meant to be it is meant to be' so for those of you dreaming of leaving the rat race get looking! It is less than 2 years ago that I was still sitting in rush hour traffic and always remember
If at first you don't succeed


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